5 Tips for Traveling With Pets

If you are going to travel while you have pets, surely you don’t want to be separated from them for long. More or less, you must have a feeling of worry if you have to leave them, so like it or not, you have to leave them in animal care.

However, not all of the costs that you have to pay for animal care services are affordable. Especially if you leave them during the holiday season, they must be full of other pets. Therefore the best way is to take your pet with you when traveling.

Traveling by private car is probably one of the safest options if you bring your pet with you. However, taking them on long trips can be a challenge. Your pet might get stressed in the middle of the road and do unexpected things that could harm them.

Even so, you can still bring your pet safely while traveling by following these 5 tips.

5 Tips for Traveling with Pets

Traveling with your pet can reduce the worry if you leave them at animal care. To keep pets safe and comfortable while traveling, follow these tips.

1. Health check to the doctor

Make sure that your pet’s health is in good condition. First check their condition to the doctor. If there really isn’t a problem with their health, you can take your pet traveling with you.

However, if they have health problems, wait for them to recover or if you don’t have any other time to travel, it’s best to put them in animal care with extra care.

2. Prepare pet supplies

Taking pets to travel far means you have to be prepared to bring all their needs. It’s the same as you who have to bring a change of clothes, toiletries, food, and so on.

Your pet will need all of those equipment too. Make sure you bring cages, food, drinks, places to eat, toys and harnesses.

3. Take time to play and pee

If your trip takes a long time, stop every 2 hours or 3 hours to give pets time to play outside the car and pee.

This helps the animals not get stressed because they are too long in a closed space and of course keep your car clean.

4. Provide a comfortable and safe place in the car

Keep in mind that you have to make your pet as comfortable as possible while in the car. Make their resting place like the place where they sleep when they are at home. To maintain a familiar smell, you can use bedding that pets usually use as bedding, such as blankets or pillows.

To be on the safe side, put them in a cage and put them on a leash so they don’t jump up and down in the car in a panic. Don’t let them get too close to an open window.

5. Train the pet to travel in short distances

Before taking your pet to travel long distances, train them to travel short distances. For example, the distance covered in 1 or 2 hours.

This will get the pet used to being in the car and visiting unfamiliar places. So they won’t be too stressed when you invite them to travel long distances.

Things You Should Pay Attention To When Traveling With Pets

There are a number of things that you should pay attention to when taking your pet with you on a trip. This is useful for minimizing problems that will arise.

1. Choose a pet-releasing lodging.

If you choose a place to live that allows you to bring your favorite pet, you don’t need to be confused about where to place them.

2. Make sure the space you give him is enough

Pets will be safer if they are in a cage, so make sure that the size of the cage you bring can meet their needs.

Don’t give too many toys in the cage. This will only trigger stress because the cage space is getting narrower. If you want to play, just make sure you take the time to stop to rest.

3. Give food and drink regularly

Just like at home, even when traveling you have to give them food and drink regularly. Don’t interrupt their feeding times, as this can increase stress levels and harm the pet’s health.

4. Make sure to always invite them to play to avoid stress

If you just let your pet stay quiet for the holidays, they will be stressed. It could just come home from vacation, the pet will be sick.

While in a vacation spot, you have to invite them to play to get rid of fear in a new place.

5. Make sure pets are always near you

Because you are going to a foreign place, that place is also foreign to your pet. They will be very confused by the different atmosphere and smells.

You have to make sure they are always within close proximity of you and on leashes so they don’t go too far or get lost. You definitely don’t want to spend your vacation time looking for your lost pet.


So, those are the tips that you can apply if you want to take your pet with you on a trip. Even though it’s good if they stay, but if you apply the tips above properly, taking your pet on vacation will be a lot of fun.